Indore Marriott Christmas: A Trip to The Santa Village

We all wish to visit the North Pole at least once in our lives. Especially around the holidays, when we watch Christmas movies featuring Santa’s enchanted hamlet in a lovely environment. Marriott reproduced a scenario from Santa Claus Village, a Christmas-themed amusement park in Lapland, for the first time in Indore.

The Santa Village Indore

Even though not everyone is planning a Christmas trip to Rovaniemi in Finland, keep in mind that Santa Village is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. And by including festive elements from the North Pole, Marriott Indore has managed to replicate the same mood as the interactive holiday hub.

The Santa Village Marriott

Indore’s most elegant hotel charmed its customers away with a pre-Christmas celebration on December 02nd, by pitching a gigantic Gingerbread house and offering mulled wine and hot chocolate to the guests. The celebration began with lighting a unique Christmas tree containing donated books hidden within its branches.

Indore Marriott Christmas Tree

Each of these books brought to the event by guests or partners will be donated to the Create Stories NGO on January 1, 2019. A worthy cause that served as both a celebration and a message of kindness. Throughout the evening, a superb music band sang Christmas songs to highlight the festival’s historic traditions.

Inside Marriott Santa Village

Santa played the saxophone!Indore Marriott Santa Claus

Candy Castle (designed by Marriott) was more than just a moniker for a game app on this particular evening. It was an exceptionally pleasant reality, with features like the Iceman, traditional ornaments, and even authentic Christmas appetisers.

Candy Castle Marriott Indore

The ‘great’ variety of Christmas confectionaries, on the other hand, was still another attractive aspect of this evening. Who wouldn’t want to shop for Christmas gifts from the comfort of a Santa Village?

Christmas gifts Indore Marriott

On that point, we wish everyone a happy holiday, and if you’re in Indore in December, you should visit Marriott to get a true sense of the North Pole and Santa Village from the Arctic.