Watch These Interesting Netflix Original Shows

Netflix is an American global on-demand internet streaming media provider. To begin with, it has distributed a number of exclusive programs, including originals, specials, documentaries and films. In fact, Netflix original productions also include continuations of previously canceled series from other channels. Additionally, Netflix original content also includes licensed or co-produced content from international broadcasters. Correspondingly, Netflix previously produced content through Red Envelope Entertainment. Equally important, is that Netflix’s first self-commissioned original content series, House of Cards was released in 2013.

Netflix Original Content

Thereafter, Netflix has dramatically grown its original content. Netflix released 126 original series and films in 2016, more than any American network or cable channel. As a matter of fact, all English programming was organised by their primary genre and sorted by premiere date. Albeit, these interesting and mind twisting show are worth a watch!

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One thought on “Watch These Interesting Netflix Original Shows

  1. I hear they have made new series of Gilmore Girls! To me that sounds really interesting.

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