2nd National Peace Convention in Dimapur, Nagaland

After attending the first National Peace Convention in Indore on 30th, 31st Jan and 01st Feb 2015, I was all set to participate in its second edition in Dimapur in Nagaland. Organised on the same dates, 30th, 31st Jan and 01st Feb 2016, this Peace Convention carries the purpose of generating awareness amongst students, families and society. Besides, I had always wanted to visit Nagaland, the Darling of the Northeast. Nagaland is home to sixteen tribes and several sub-tribes, disseminated across eleven districts. These tribes and sub-tribes follow unique customs, culture, attires, language, faith and rituals. Nagaland still lives through the memories of its unfortunate past.

Despite having promised freedom to Nagas, Britishers disregarded the agreement and granted independence to Burma instead. Nagas are still recuperating from suppression scars, riots and regional conflicts. The senior generation of Nagaland has beheld blood and tears. Some Naga leaders working arduously for the development of Nagaland were present at the convention to express their views. They desired to communicate their concerns through the voices of attendees.

Notable Speakers at National Peace Convention

Mr C. Apokjamir, Shri Tushar Gandhi great-grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, Dr Paul Mesquita, Shri Niketu Iraly, Shri P.V Rajagopal, Miss Anuradha Shankar (IPS ADGP Railways MP), Mr Ashok Mahajan and Dr C.P were the notable speakers at the event. By and by, the National Peace Convention concentrated on bringing about reconciliation and living in harmony. Speakers memorised King Martin Luther, Mahatma Gandhi and those who sacrificed their lives for love. The Nagaland leaders were overwhelmed by the unconditional support. Their heartfelt outburst made each one of us emotional.

In the final review, Chairman, Rt. Varghese Alengaden proclaimed that “Peace can only, be-obtained once we learn to nurture our own heart and mind. Only then, can we work towards reconciliation and forgiveness towards others! The more the darkness, the greater the need for us to be the light!” To conclude the event, Alengaden (along-with the organising committee), conveyed kind regards to Nagas, and everyone, supporting brotherhood and human rights. Let’s hope for the expulsion of terrorism, with better tourism, work opportunities, and improved-revenue for the state.