International Travellers Can Avail COVID Test at Delhi Airport For Rs 5000

In the first week of September, Indian Aviation Ministry declared that worldwide travellers, who after landing in India, have a connecting flight (domestic) to catch, can get themselves examined for COVID-19 at the entrance. Each international traveller can avail an RT-PCR test for INR 5000 at Delhi airport to get an examination of COVID19 virus. The airports will also facilitate the use of the waiting lounge for the purpose of testing.

Travellers who choose to take the test will wait in the designated airport lounge or an assigned hotel in the city. They will have to wait until their results are out, said the ministry. If negative, the passengers will be exempted from obligatory quarantine and will be allowed to board the connecting flight. As per the DIAL official, the airport COVID19 test is priced at INR 2,400, wherein, the waiting lounge at INR 2,600. After collecting the swab sample, the team declares the RT-PCR test, in about six hours. The state guidelines, otherwise, dictate that all arriving international passengers will have to endure a compulsory 7-day institutional quarantine accompanied by 7-day home quarantine.

If the arriving passenger is carrying a COVID19 negative “RT-PCR” test certificate done not later than 96 hours prior to the journey, they will be exempted from the obligatory institutional quarantine. Under the situation, where the arriving passenger is arriving from an international location and does not have a valid certificate and wants to hop on to a connecting domestic flight; they have the option of getting examined at the airport COVID-19 facility. Only if the result is negative, is when the traveller will be permitted to board the connecting domestic flight. The Delhi International Airport Limited commenced the coronavirus examinations earlier this month, with Genestrings Diagnostic Centre at T3’s multi-level car parking.