Cuba All Set To Open Tourism Months After Lockdown

Travel enthusiasts, if you had Cuba on your travel bucket list then here’s a piece of amazing news – the nation will shorty open for tourists after months of lockdown. Cuba had shut its airports in March owing to the coronavirus outbreak and has now decided to commence operations from 04th September. Cuba has joined the list of countries that have chosen to lift the national lockdowns amidst pandemic to boost the tourism industry and the newest to join the panel is Cuba, now welcoming travellers with open arms. This news has come as a wave of strength for everyone associated with the travel industry – whether its the travellers or the vacation industry employees living on the island.

On 04th September, an Air Canada plane landed at the Cayo-Coco airport and is now anticipated to fly every week to Cuba and twice a week from October. As per the reports, the United States prohibits its residents from flying into Cuba, however, passengers can still take a trip to the island for constancies such as education. Note that, Canadians have been the most prominent tourist provider of the Caribbean island. As per the news reported by Reuters, Canada alone estimated for over a million of the four million visitors in Cuba in 2019. The tourism industry revenues stood at $2.6 billion last year. As for the COVID19 pandemic, Cuba has recorded nearly 4,298 cases till date with 2,345 recoveries and about a hundred deaths.

The latest news confirms that even though schools have re-opened in Cuba, Havana’s startling rise in coronavirus cases has pushed the town into a fortnight lockdown. The government and health authorities are soliciting to mark the rush in the extent of the novel coronavirus in the capital while adapting combative anti-virus actions such as closing down air travel in other Cuban cities.