Delicious and Uncommon Bengali Dishes You Must Try

Bengali cuisine is world-famous for its rich and diverse selection of dishes. From spicy to mild, there are many different types of curries and other preparations that can be found in their kitchens. However, some dishes may be unfamiliar to you even though they are delicious. These are the ones we will be talking about today:

Chhanar Jilipi

Babo Khurma

Babo Khurma, or “sweet bread,” is a dish of wheat flour and sugar which are cooked together to form a thick dough. It is then rolled out into the shape of long sticks, dried and cut into small pieces before being dipped in hot milk and ghee (clarified butter). This dessert has been around since ancient times; it was originally served at weddings as an offering to the bridegroom’s parents. People still make this dish today but only during wintertime when there is less rain because it requires more yeast than other types of breads do during wetter seasons.

Chhanar Jilipi

Chhanar Jilipi is a traditional Bengali dish made with rice and milk. It’s one of the most popular sweet dishes in Bengal, but it’s not exactly healthy. The name chhanar means “flour” in Bengali, so this dish literally means sugar-coated flour balls! The texture of chhanar jilipi can vary depending on how much starch has been added to the mixture before cooking—the more starch contained within each ball, the more chewy and dry they will be. Make sure you don’t skip this step: adding some starch helps give this dish its characteristic chewiness!


Malpoa is a dessert made from rice, sugar and milk. It’s served cold and can be garnished with cardamom or saffron.


Labra is a Bengali sweet that is made with wheat flour, ghee and sugar. It’s a traditional dish that can be eaten as an accompaniment to your meal or just by itself.


Dondurma is a sweetmeat made from milk, sugar and ghee. It can be eaten as a dessert or for breakfast. It is popular in India and Bangladesh, but it has become popular all over the world as well—it even has its own festival called Dondurmasan!

To make dondurma: Boil some milk until it boils over high heat (it should turn into curdled cream). Add more hot water if you want to get rid of lumps before adding more sugar (or if your idea of “lumpy” seems like perfection). Add some chopped almonds if you want something crunchy on top; otherwise leave them out entirely because they’ll get mushy anyway after prolonged cooking time at high temperatures. Turn off heat when mixture starts boiling again; let cool down completely so that no moisture remains inside than can spoil things further down road when reheating later during preparation stage itself.”

Jumbo Kukur Dao

Jumbo Kukur Dao is a sweet dish made with pumpkin, coconut and jaggery. This dish originates from the Purulia district of West Bengal. It’s also known as Jumbo Misir Dao or Jumbo Kukur Dao (কুকুর দা).


Sarpuria is a Bengali sweet dish made from rice flour, sugar and ghee. It’s a traditional Bengali sweet which is served during the Durga Puja festival. The dish was invented by the poet Rabindranath Tagore and it’s known as “স্বপ্ন সে” (Saber Pone) in Eastern India. The word Sarpuria comes from ‘chitragupta’ which means diamond shape or cut diamond shape; hence this recipe calls for cutting out diamonds with your fingers before baking them into an edible treat!

There are lots of delicious Bengali dishes which aren’t as widespread as others. You may have heard about some of the popular Bengali dishes but there are many other delicious Bengali dishes that you can try out. There are lots of different types of Bengali food such as dal, rice and fish curries. These foods contain lots of nutrients and vitamins which will help keep your body healthy. The best thing about these dishes is that they are quick to make so if you want something on the go then we would recommend trying one out!

So, the next time you’re in an Indian restaurant and they try to sell you on their version of biryani, think about all the other amazing dishes that are out there. You might be surprised at what your taste buds have been missing!